Designer: Nur Alam Witono
Year: 2008
This chair design was inspired, when the designer is sitting at home relaxing when it's raining. The designers observed that raindrops falling from the roof of the house and terbesitlah concept idea of this chair. Form raindrops that fall vertically perpendicular to Earth's gravity is a result of the inspired why did the designer use wood element perpendicular to the vertical.
Desain kursi ini terilhami, ketika perancang sedang duduk santai dirumah sedang hujan ketika itu. Sang perancang mengamati tetesan hujan yang jatuh dari atap rumah dan terbesitlah konsep ide dari kursi ini. Bentuk tetesan air hujan yang jatuh vertikal tegak lurus akibat dari gaya gravitasi bumi mengilhami mengapa perancang gunakan unsur kayu yang tegak lurus vertikal.

This chair design was reviewed by NOTCOT, a website that reviews the design of both products and art throughout the world.
Desain kursi ini pernah direview oleh NOTCOT, website yang mengulas desain baik produk maupun seni di seluruh dunia.

This chair design was reviewed by NOTCOT, a website that reviews the design of both products and art throughout the world.
Desain kursi ini pernah direview oleh NOTCOT, website yang mengulas desain baik produk maupun seni di seluruh dunia.
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