The client needed a house that once a place of business, but the two functions of the building must be balanced one with another. Because in the future, client will not know the entire building will be home or place of business. In design process, the architects are trying to make a representative face this commercial functions (Flaurent Salon). On the other side of this building needs to become the main function (house), so the architect need to create Homy atmosphere also.
The living room, dining room, guest bedroom and the service area in the ground floor with salon. The salon area consists of a haircut area, spa rooms and facial rooms. The Guest bedroom can be changed into an area salon when it’s needed, and spa rooms could be bedrooms too if needed. The architects is using natural local materials in the design, such as stone, wood, and vegetation in every part of the area to give the natural impression.
The living room, dining room, guest bedroom and the service area in the ground floor with salon. The salon area consists of a haircut area, spa rooms and facial rooms. The Guest bedroom can be changed into an area salon when it’s needed, and spa rooms could be bedrooms too if needed. The architects is using natural local materials in the design, such as stone, wood, and vegetation in every part of the area to give the natural impression.
Sang klien menginginkan sebuah hunian sekaligus tempat usaha, dimana dua fungsi bangunan ini harus seimbang satu sama lain. Untuk waktu ke depan klien tidak tahu apakah keseluruhan bangunan ini akan dijadikan rumah atau tempat usaha. Dalam proses perancangannya, arsitek sangat memperhatikan fungsi komersial dari Flaurent Salon ini dimana menuntut wajah bangunan yang representatif. Di sisi yang lain bangunan ini tetaplah tempat tinggal dari sang pemilik sehingga suasana homy juga perlu diperhatikan.
Ruang tamu, ruang makan, kamar tidur tamu dan area servis berada dilantai 1 bersebelahan dengan area salon. Area salon sendiri terdiri dari area potong rambut, ruang spa dan ruang facial. Kamar tidur tamu bisa berubah fungsi menjadi area salon bila dibutuhkan, begitu juga sebaliknya kamar spa bisa menjadi kamar tidur bila dibutuhkan. Arsitek memakai material-material lokal dalam rancanganya, seperti batu alam, kayu, serta vegetasi di setiap sudut ruangan untuk memberikan kesan natural dan sejuk.
Company: PT. Rumah Tropika Abadi
Architect: Nur Alam Witono & Nugroho Proboningsih
Project team: Junindya Citra Damayanti & Daniel Simson
Drafter: Anton Fiqih
Building inspectors: Sugiyanto
Site engineer interior: Eko Winarno
Location: Jl. Demangan, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Design time: 2009
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